We Offer The Best Stripping And Waxing Service

Stripping and waxing is a professional service that involves the removal of old wax layers and the application of new wax coatings on various types of flooring surfaces. This process is commonly used for vinyl, linoleum, or other resilient flooring materials to restore their appearance, protect the surface, and maintain their longevity.

Service Overview

Stripping and waxing is a specialized task that requires professional expertise, as well as the use of appropriate products and equipment. Hiring LJDM's experienced floor care experts ensures optimal results and protects the integrity of the flooring material. The service provides a rejuvenated and polished appearance to the floor, contributing to a clean and inviting environment.

Service Quality

When it comes to stripping and waxing services, quality is of utmost importance to ensure a professional and satisfactory outcome.High-quality stripping and waxing services prioritize safety. Professionals follow strict safety protocols, including the use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), ensuring a safe working environment for both themselves and the occupants of the property.

Stripping and Waxing


Stripping and waxing your floors can rejuvenate their appearance, remove dirt and grime buildup, and provide a protective layer that enhances their durability. It also helps maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of the floor by sealing the surface.

The frequency of stripping and waxing depends on various factors such as the type of flooring, foot traffic, and the condition of the floor. Generally, it is recommended to have high-traffic floors professionally stripped and waxed once or twice a year. However, less frequented areas may require less frequent maintenance.

When performed by professionals using appropriate techniques and products, stripping and waxing should not damage your floors. In fact, it helps protect the surface and extend its lifespan. Hiring LJDM’s experienced professionals will ensure that the process is done correctly and safely.

